APRIL CHALLENGE | Working out each day

My year of 30-days challenges starts with the ones concerning the body. In March, I stopped eating pastries and bread, and in April, I started working out each day hoping to lose some weight and improve my overall health and wellbeing. WORKING OUT EACH DAY 30 DAYS CHALLENGE FOR APRIL 2020 Continuing on my self-improvementContinue reading “APRIL CHALLENGE | Working out each day”

MARCH CHALLENGE | Avoiding the bakeries

In April of 2020, I decided to finish ten 30 days challenges this year, to help me develop some good habits, change some bad ones, get more creative and so on. You can see the list of all 10 challenges in my original post, and in this one, I write more about the one IContinue reading “MARCH CHALLENGE | Avoiding the bakeries”